Drum robot MR-808 Interactive at 31C3 in Hamburg
From the 27.12.till 30.12.2014 the 31C3 Hacker Congress in Hamburg invited us to present our Interactive Drum Robot Installation MR-808. And .. it was a blast! The annual congress connects both hackers, techie nerds and politic activists to form a alien-like surrounding in the huge CCH Congress Center in hamburg. The event is totally advertisement and sponsorship free, and only funded by the 10.000 to 12.000 participants which came this year.
We were setting up our Installation (together with @barfton and @mechko) in the level 2 just beside the exit to the smokers area. A wise decision! All the smokers had to pass by. We did not only bring the MR-808 but also a small sound station, which resulted in 4 days of 12 hour music jamming marathons.
The music was created by the random Congress audience that passed by, with very different musical skills. It resulted in:
- 30% awesome and enjoyable "music"
- 45% random drumstrokes - not annoying, not enjoyable
- 25% brain damaging noisy-chaos: fun for minute [00:00] to [00:01], super-annoying for minute [00:02] to [120:00]
While being at the installation all the time, we missed most of the talks, like the very much recommended talk from "Zentrum für politische Schönheit" (hacking politics)